GlassParency Installer in Santa Rosa

glassparency installer

What is GlassParency?

GlassParency is a professionally applied chemical application that enhances driver’s vision at times of inclement weather due to the water micro-beading and repelling off your windshield. Think of it as “Rain-X” on steroids. The coating soaks into the pores of your car’s windows, forming a semi-permanent protective barrier for up to 36 months.

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Windshield Protection Starting at $99

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Why You Need Glassparency

Our patented hydrophobic glass coating requires a one-time application and includes a 3-year warranty. This unique, two-step professionally installed application creates a barrier to repel water, snow, ice, dust, oil, and dirt creating a resistant and easy to clean surface. Some of the major benefits include enhanced optical clarity, better driver vision, safety for the driver and all passengers, a reduction in day and night glare, and a more aesthetically appealing look to your vehicle’s glass.

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Why GlassParency?

  • Repels water, dirt, and debris
  • Backed by a 36 month warranty
  • Improves visibility in both day/night
  • In harsh winter months, snow and sleet will repel and ice will become easier to remove, cutting down defrosting time.
    • REPEL THE ELEMENTS 100% 100%
    • IMPROVED ROAD VISION 100% 100%